
A Brief Explanation Of Extra Sensory

In ESP or Extra sensory perception, primary means, i. e our five senses are not used to get information from the other person, instead there are some other means used. Our five senses include tasting see, smelling, hearing and feeling. extra sensory perception is actually mental telepathy and a person is able to increase his mind power over another person by big leaps when he is able to develop extra sensory perception. Information can be exchanged almost at will by possessing this ability and you are also able to influence things which are essential to you if you have this power.


Clairvoyance, remote viewing token object, telepathy, and reading are the different psychic perceptual categories that extra sensory perception can be categorized into. These ate all to do with mental telepathy.


All of the above are supposedly with mental telepathy. Usually knowing past, future or current events are not a form of our knowledge; however with extra sensory perception this is possible. Generally the people who posses this power are Psychics and mediums. It is this power that they possess that they know another person’s secrets and private details and also has the capability to give them advice.


Many people can now benefit from their thoroughness and perseverance for their own self development. You can also develop extra sensory perception by following the below mentioned details.


To begin with one needs to know how to work at level of alpha by being alert and establish points of reference in the subjective dimension. Further it is needed that a confirmation of this is done by applying extra sensory perception to solving of problem. At the alpha level you posses the ability to make use of both the brain hemispheres for thinking and that is the main reason why you need to do this at the alpha level. Subjective information is detected by the right brain which is intuitive. You will be able to share information between the two hemispheres of your brain, right and left once you pick up how to enter the alpha level.


Whatever is detected with the objective senses has an impression on your left brain hemisphere; a copy of this is moved to the right brain hemisphere.


During our growing years we are more concerned and caught up with the growth of the logical left brain hemisphere, which leaves the right brain hemisphere behind. Hence the development of extra sensory perception, intuition does not take place during our growing years.


In summary there are certain things that must be done to develop extra sensory perception. You must get trained on how to function at the level of alpha. You should be able to remain at that level once you are mentally alert. Transfer of information from right brain hemisphere to left brain hemisphere then becomes easy.


Points of reference in the subjective dimension should be set up after this. Your guide from whom you learn development of extra sensory perception should be able to guide you to set up these points of references objective world level. Post this since your mind will know how to function at this level; you will be able to do this yourself. You will although need to do some practice to achieve this.


Then you need to do a process of verification by carrying out extra sensory perception to solve problems.


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